The Grand Design — III
Reflections of a soul / oversoul
Excerpts from "The Grand Design — III".
Giving and Receiving Help; Expanding into Universal Love
What can you do, though, if somebody does not recognise that he needs help and yet is obviously in a divided, or schizoid, state of mind? Primarily, I recommend that you project loving feelings and thoughts towards him. But I would like to develop that answer into a general suggestion regarding giving and receiving help and into universal love.Stand as still as you can and allow yourself to feel that your guides are forming a circle with you. Let yourself relax into feeling: - love flowing round the circle; that the guides are channeling into the circle all the evolved energy of the universe, of God, of which you are essentially a part and which is, of course, in you; that you are accepted and loved totally as you are, without having to put on an act of any kind, and that that love is constant, unchanging, non-judgemental, unconditional: that whatever burdens may be on you - fears, anxieties, tensions, stresses, worries, pressures of any kind - are lifted from you and the universal love is taking care of them; that the universal love is enabling the total fulfillment of your life purpose so that whatever opportunities you need are manifesting for you, and will manifest for you, in the best possible ways at the best possible times; that you are expanding into, and at one with, the universal, unconditional, love; that you are secure in the feeling of being always guided and protected and loved in a way that's totally consistent with your free will as a free spirit, and that there's never any interference with that free will; and that you are, in fact, unconditional love and, as you let yourself feel that, you accept and love yourself more, and you feel yourself supported in every way by the universal love with the result that you have access to whatever you need by way of wisdom, knowledge, material things, love, and that you are flowing comprehensively with life and with the totality of consciousness.As you progress with that exercise, which I suggest should be done daily, you will find that a certain suspension of thought takes place for a little while which allows you to become absorbed in the feeling of what you are and your place in the cosmic scheme of things. This, in turn, leaves you open to new patterns of thought and to give more and more expression to your higher self, or oversoul, as I prefer to call it.
The exercise , in itself, helps you to accept and integrate yourself. It also gives you free and unlimited access to universal energy or love. Remember that it's all about feeling, or, more accurately, letting go into feeling; included in that letting go are your conditioned, rational, thought processes.
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The Grand Design — III