The Grand Design — V
Reflections of a soul / oversoul
Excerpts from "The Grand Design — V".
Freedom from negative karmic effects
I'm using the word 'karma' in the sense of effects accumulated during a soul's progress through its evolution since it fell from grace or got temporarily lost, in other words. On that basis karma has both positive and negative connotations, although in general usage it seems to have been assigned a negative complexion - thrown into a "sin bin", as it were![paragraphs omitted]
My message in this session is that the accumulation of negative karmic effects cannot be released through an intellectual or analytical process by itself. You cannot avoid thinking - not that you'd want to. The ideal situation occurs when feelings and thoughts are balanced so that they become a unity. What usually happens because of the ways your cultures have evolved is that thoughts control feelings. Please bear with me to the extent that I'm repeating myself, but it is essential to keep in mind that your awareness is always expressing itself through your feelings and thoughts and that that's how you're living and will continue to live eternally; that's what you are.
As you exist in the present moment - and can only do so - the conglomerations of experiences which you have had in all your journeying are of no relevance or importance whatever except in so far as they continue to control your feelings and thoughts - in other words, how you carry the effects of them in yourself. That means that it's of no value to you to try to assess an experience from an objective or standardised viewpoint - for example, whether it was "good" or "bad" in line with a regulated belief system. Examining an experience is beneficial for you only if it helps you to live more positively in the present moment. If you make a value judgment on an experience - for example, by placing it in a "bad" box - you are retaining the effects of it in a negative way in your present awareness. If, on the other hand, you see every experience as a learning - or relearning - opportunity, without taking up any other position on it, you are undeviatingly on a secure pathway to the total expression of the free spirit that you are.
[paragraphs omitted]
The Grand Design — V